This Is The Iran Never Shown By The Media Is It Really That Bad

This Is The Iran Never Shown By The Media  Is It Really That Bad


Hey there, I’m Ryan Ear, a filmmaker and photographer embarking on a journey through Iran with my own rental car to uncover the truth about this fascinating country. Join me as I explore the diverse landscapes, meet incredible people, and challenge my own skills and perceptions along the way.

Exploring Iran’s Landscapes

As I traverse through Iran, I experience the contrasting beauty of its landscapes, from the scorching hot desert to the snow-capped mountains in the north. Despite some challenges like a flat tire and a lack of snowboarding gear, each destination offers a unique adventure and a chance to appreciate the country’s natural wonders.

Meeting Locals and Embracing Culture

One of the highlights of my journey is the encounters with friendly locals like Hassan, who share their favorite spots and stories with me. From exploring the Alamut Valley to witnessing Iranians dance to celebrate Nowruz, I am welcomed with open arms and immersed in the rich culture and history of Iran.

Challenging Perceptions

Through my travels, I discover that Iran is far from the negative stereotypes portrayed in the media. The people I meet are hospitable, curious, and eager to connect with visitors. Despite the challenges of everyday life, there is a sense of resilience and warmth that shines through, challenging my preconceived notions about the country.


In the end, my journey through Iran leaves me with a newfound appreciation for this beautiful country and its people. The trip, filled with adventures and unexpected encounters, proves that Iran is a safe and welcoming place for travelers willing to explore beyond the headlines. So, is it really that bad? I don’t think so.

Related Questions:

1. How did encountering Hassan and other locals impact Ryan’s perception of Iran?

Meeting locals like Hassan allowed Ryan to see Iran’s authenticity, beauty, and the warmth of its people, challenging his initial perceptions and showcasing the country in a positive light.

2. What challenges did Ryan face during his travels in Iran?

Ryan faced challenges such as a flat tire, a lack of snowboarding gear, and navigating the steep terrain of the Alamut Valley, which added unexpected twists to his journey.

3. How did the experience of witnessing Iranians celebrate Nowruz influence Ryan’s view of Iranian culture?

Joining Iranians in their celebration of Nowruz showcased to Ryan the festive and welcoming nature of Iranian culture, further debunking any negative stereotypes he may have had.

4. What role did nature play in Ryan’s exploration of Iran?

From the hot desert to the snow-capped mountains, the diverse landscapes of Iran provided Ryan with a stunning backdrop for his adventures and a deeper appreciation of the country’s natural beauty.

5. In what ways did Ryan’s journey through Iran challenge his own skills and perceptions?

Throughout his travels, Ryan faced challenges like bruised ribs from snowboarding and a lack of dance skills, which forced him to confront his own limitations and preconceived ideas about Iran, leading to personal growth and a broader perspective on the country.